Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dumbness to Goodness???

I maybe dumb sometimes but I just let go what I feel. Keep hiding myself to all be contented for what I have right now. Happy but not that so far, cause there are some things unsettled. I will let those things free from now just to have peace of mind. Prolonging the situation made me sick and bothered me all the time. This Christmas made me ponder some thoughts that actually struck me, I will try to be a good wife and a mother to my son.

Though there are thongs I've done which is against for my family's will for this year, I'll try to make a change for the coming year to be a better individual. Hope to turned out the things all right for the sake of my family. Sacrifice all the things I've loved and wanted for a long tie and be ready to accept what lies ahead for the happiness of my family.

Yuletide Season

This lantern was made by my Mom from scrap materials.

This Christmas my family celebrated with our loved ones... Though some of my folks and my husband were not here in the country. We just simply went for a mass and visited my in-laws. Just having a small talks can eased some of my longings. When we're at home, I just opened up my computer and have chit chats to my folks and husband.....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I cant Keep a Secret

for you

for so long we've been together

i've realized how much you mean to me

and can't quit to the promised we've shared

lost soul in the middle of nowhere

catching up the special moments

lingering to the shared promises

as long as we live until to the last breathe

i will love you 'till the end

despite of the hang ups i've encountered

it's just you and me matters most

Sunday, December 7, 2008


It really amazed me when I'm alone in the room

Words imploring and exploring in my thoughts

Weekend nights made me vanished in vain

As a loophole whining in my head

Rolling and tossing in the bed

Helpless thoughts that make me sad

A love that was kept and nurture for a long time

Desire to be with you made me sick

Coldness of whimpering thoughts

Being alone made me shivers

For so doomed in the banquet

Loneliness stuck me in the dark room

A Short Trip

picture taken as i walk going to home

On my way home, the sky is clear and cloudy and soothes to my senses the cool breeze. My head is kinda running low and bumped into cyclones as I've heard my phone rung and my friend called me just to greet me.

I've realized something that every individual has a unique characteristics. Friends you have known for years and have just met along the way imposed their different nature. Then suddenly, I've remembered my father says to me when I was a kid, "Always be good to everyone and be a good listener. You will meet different persona's along the way and will tangle your mind as you meet them. It's very hard to please other people. Just be simple and rekindle with them. " That's one of the reason why I became silent, shy type individual. A fast learner and a very keen observant in handling some scenario specially in dealing with other people.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Child Care

As a mom, taking good care of my son is one of the challenges to face... Quite hard for the first time mom's... Thanks for the tips and advices of my Inay's and beloved relatives regarding child care.. They taught me the basic things to do and how to handle things that might sometimes gave us a headaches and tantrums...

Here are some child care tips that I've learned from my folks and from my basic reading through the net....

1. Give your baby a baby massage. It is believed that regular massage help preemies to gain weight; reduce colic in infants and strengthen immune systems of babies. Besides all these benefits, it a pleasure for moms to caress the delicate, soft and tender skin of their newborns and cuddle them.

2. Insuring the car seat safety of young children save children from severe injury or even death during an accident or sudden jerk.

3. A colicky baby cries and whimpers all the time and we are often at their wit's end on how to soothe their child. Colic babies cause severe sleep deprivation, frustration and exhaustion in parents as they worry constantly try to quiet the infant. Colic crying consists of frequent and prolonged outbursts. According to experts, the most common reason for colic is abdominal pain in babies and the two most common reasons that cause tummy ache in infants.

4. Carrying the growing babies might be hard for us. Toddlers, who learn to walk well, often insist on being held and carried by parents. Parents have to understand that they are not just being lazy but there are other factors that prompt them to cry for being carried by adults:
a. like the view they are able to get when their heads are at the same height at ours.
b. all children are conditioned to feel comfort from being held.
c. tend to be more at alert or afraid of new places or strangers and they feel safer and more secure in your strong arms.
d. feel that are paid no attention, if they are at your level and close to your ears, where they can easily talk to you and you will easily listen to whatever they say.

Those were samples tips I've learned and it helps a lot...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

for you... my bestfriend!

my dear... my best friend... I'm so sorry...

it's to late for me to realized those things

i really don't know what you've been through

the last thing i remembered you told me something

but it didn't matter to me that time...

and you left me without any explanation...

it's been four years to be exact, right???

and now i'm in vain, your always there for me...

your comforting arms always ready to lean on me...

your soothing words calms me when I'm frail

you make me laugh when you see me I'm sad

those times is like hell, and its killing me

without you by my side is a nuisance

now i understand, what you've been through!!!

i love you my dear... my bestfriend... my life...

i thank God for having you in my life...

your a blessing... your my guiding light...

and i will cherish you in my entire life

I'm deeply sorry for not letting you know

that I'm so much in love with you back way then...


better to let go

Emo Myspace Comments
each single day had passed...

and let myself embraced the time...

a day without thinking...

if i'm doing the right thing...

as it may feels better...

it will be fine...

i can do it without hesitation...

it will ends well....

it really gives me a damn headache...

no one can blame me...

because it was my fault...

i hope it will die naturally...

and let myself back to the reality...

for so long I've tried to let go off my free will...

as if my soul to the one I've never seen for my entire life...

kinda of a heck...

just to punish my self...

and let me felt outrageous for being unfair...

though, it's annoying!....

life is full of surprises....

happy moments to cherish...

and lonely moments to survived and learned for...


Emo Myspace Comments

every single moment runs out of time...

all decisions were complicated...

ruins every pieces of my whole being...

it knocks me off to the reality...

reality bites! in a fantasy maybe...

i wanna breathe again the way i used to be...

shattered glasses hits me evenly...

and broke me into pieces completely...

because of you...

you made me believe to hold on passionately...

and all along you've cheated me deliberately...

mystic side of me drained to nowhere...

for you to realized that now i'm gone...

to heal the wounded soul for a lifetime...

"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment
is the only one you know you have for sure." -Oprah Winfrey

Chained love

Emo Myspace Comments
i've never thought that it would end this way,

in some ways, it will be one of the dusk which will hay,

an endearing love that will last a day,

for whom its worth the sacrifices will meant to pay..

for just once i'd have been a fool to play,

without knowing how to act the thoughts that they would say,

enormous prices have been slipped away,

to soothe the wounded heart in a game where the cards lay..

reality comes in the truthful way,

no matter how sad it will take, it will helped you gay..

promises of love that lasted a day,

transparency of feelings will forever in lay...

Sit, Back and Relax

After a tiring week of thoughts and submerged myself in depth reconciliation... I really need to have a quite some time alone in the room and pamper myself to sleep to regain energy... Give myself an ample time to relax and enjoy reading inspirational books and clear my mind of all the stress and rush of the day... Being a full time mom is not easy and handling a small business is some sort in the run which demands a hands on management... A newbie career-oriented mom on a process... A risk taker and self motivated individual on progress...

Here are some tips for Moms on the go on How to Relax:

  1. Make healthy food choices.
  2. Find a quiet place when you are feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Picture your own personal paradise.
  4. Breathe.
  5. Relax in bed. Take a bath, play soft music, and lay down in bed.
  6. Avoid people who are constantly angry or complain.
  7. Stop engaging in behaviors that make you feel guilty.
  8. Learn to prioritize.
  9. Draw a warm bath, light candles around your tub, dim the lights, add bubbles, lavender, or just keep the water plain.
  10. Curl up on your couch with a blanket, and a good book, maybe even a cup of tea or cocoa.
  11. Do yoga;
  12. Go to your local spa for a great massage.
  13. Lay on your bed or sofa, have some soft music playing in the background (or nature CDs).
  14. Go for a walk.
  15. Swim.
  16. Do the activities or hobbies that relax you (fishing, sewing, singing, painting, taking photographs).
  17. Spend time with your pet.
  18. Download ebooks on relaxation.
  19. Think positively.
  20. Practice meditation.
  21. Think of the ocean and how calming the rushing waves crash upon the shore.
  22. Read a book or an article that makes you think.
  23. Smile and laugh They say laughter is the best medicine.
  24. Work!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bad Dream

Emo Myspace Comments

for the thought of having you in my life

is just simply a non-existent contour of memory

illumination of feelings is worthless to express

existence maybe prevail but not forever

aloofness... yes... and a fool maybe...

to be with you is all i wanna be

helpless thoughts ruins my mind

borderlines are hard to find

just to see you in miles and wave goodbye

leaving me in pain in a restless isle....

"Love is the most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares." -Shakespeare

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Love... is it in Us?

Emo Myspace Comments
wild imaginations are into us

ferocious past still behind us

little connections bypass us

sparks and magics alive for us

momentums of hatred strikes us

swerving of ways ahead us

dreaming and hoping allegedly to ask

wandering of special love that afflicted us

give and take leads us

love... are you still between us?


The meaning of life constitutes a philosophical question

concerning the purpose
and significance of human existence.

It is were life we've make and done everyday...

Encompasses some odds...

Challenges to undergo...

And puzzles to solve...

Life seems so hard enough to hold onto

even in the amidst of challenges which makes us to be a better individual...

Learning to understand and fight for the thoughts...


And in some may say life is so unfair...


But all we have to do is face the reality

and think if it will do any good to mankind

if we let the things go the way it used to be.