Friday, April 17, 2009
waiting the summer for you to come home
home sweet home....
there's no place like home
waiting you each day to come home
Love... A ruler!
lonely times to forget and quiver
barin' and darin' gives lot of fire to be colder
crossed fingers to unveil the panther
dignified love to make it sweeter
just like coffee which brewed hotter
with side dish to be more chiller
love... your such a ruler!
The Wanderer
wandering lift may save the rest of may
flowers in bloom which are lay
to stare in a nuisance which are at bay
leaving you at peace may be save the day
but hurting me in a little way
the little life that may be in may
and live the dusk forever in lay
for you to leave me in next day
hoping to see you at home for each day
gladly to accept you my dear at may
my wanderer love for you to stay
Lost Souls
but the mere fact is allegedly still behind us
loving you in silence maybe tamed
but prolonging the feelings subdued in blame
distancing may work but hard to expound
flames of fires declares a big fuzz to found
dazzled and baffled feelings made to burst
in passion and in love to outcast
untimely to veil the lost profound souls
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A Lift
induce my pains to forget the sweetness you've done
to a place of peace for am i alone
running away from you is the best thing to do
to find myself in a place of nowhere
and share the passions of memories
conflicting ideas to reminisce
living alone is all i wanna be
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Morning Bliss
An "E" for Everything
Before, we only have the mail, now its e-mail, games _ e-games, cards_ e-cards, books_ e- books, dogs and cats_ e-pets. Before traders used to buy and sell goods on the market but now they already do e-trading and e-biz.
The question is what's next? As of the moment we had an "e" for everything. Have we think that all the e-gadget big and small make our life better? That was a fuss to think in the electronic world are overwhelming. The amazement will not come to an end. It looks like "e" is invading everything.
But then at the end of the day, we can always look backward and see if everything electronic really made a difference in our life.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Virtual Pets
There were common features of digital pets:
- used to give a sense of reality to the user
- enhancing playability
- Most digipets have certain level of autonomy and unpredictability. The user can interact with pet and the process of personalizing can ake the pet more distinctive.
- Interactivity
- Short Term - direct interaction or action from the pet.
- Long Term - action that affects pet's growth, behavior or life span.
Example of Common Features:
- responds to caring
- responds to touching
- training the pet
- supplies
- dressing up
- competition
- meeting other pets
- complaining when it needs care
Saturday, March 7, 2009
FYI: Eyes in Pictures - Red Spots

The eyes look red because light from the flash is reflected to the camera lens from the blood vessels in the retinas. The flash unit is located every wear of the lens when the flash goes off, some light goes straight into the eyes of the subject and is reflected right back into the lens.
So if you don't want to see those red eyes, avoid looking directly at the lens during picture taking.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hold On
As I set you free
Hold on to the breathe
As I clinch to thee
Hold on to the kiss
Hold on to the dreams we had
As I weave it only for you
Hold on to the love
As I promise YOU, your the only one.
Reasons Behind Smoking
Guys, correct me if I'm wrong... Just leave your comments below... Some of the reasons are the following:
1. Smoking gives them more energy. They tend to smoke to keep from slowing down. Like for those coffee drinkers, they used to drink 'coz it help them to wake up, get moving when they feel exhausted. The nicotine in tobacco and caffeine in coffee are a stimulants - whose function is to increase the heart rate and blood pressure.
2. They like to touch and handle cigarettes and comfortable with it on their hand.
3. Smoking makes good times better. They feel more comfortable and relaxed. specially in stressful situations.
4. When depression attacks.
5. It's some kind of addiction. Can't live without cigarettes, very much hooked up.
Getting over this obstacles is always depends on the person involved on smoking and he/she the only one can decide whether to quit or not. Moral support from the family is always needed.
A Birthday Wish to My Son
Friday, February 20, 2009
Coffee - My Stress Reliver and Its Health Benefits
It maketh me to wake in green pastures:
It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses.
It restoreth my buzz:
It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of addiction,
I will fear no Equal™:
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me.
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of The Starbucks:
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over.
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the House of Mochas forever.
~Author Unknown
Coffee, nowadays is one of the most popular beverages worldwide and plays as an important import commodity in the world. Though there were scripts from which is coffee has good and bad effects to our health.
According to the wikipedia, scientific studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and an array of medical conditions. Findings are contradictory as to whether coffee has any specific health benefits, and results are similarly conflicting regarding the negative effects of coffee consumption.
Coffee consumption has been linked to breast size reduction, and taking regular hits of caffeine reduces the risk of breast cancer. Coffee appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, cirrhosis of the liver, and gout. A longitudinal study in 2009 showed that moderate drinkers of coffee (3-5 cups per day) had lower chances of getting Dementia, in addition to Alzheimer's disease. It increases the risk of acid reflux Some health effects of coffee are due to its caffeine content, as the benefits are only observed in those who drink caffeinated coffee while others appear to be due to other components. For example, the antioxidants in coffee prevent free radicals from causing cell damage. and associated diseases.
Coffee consumption can lead to iron deficiency anemia in mothers and infants. Coffee also interferes with the absorption of supplemental iron.
American scientist Yaser Dorri has suggested that the smell of coffee can restore appetite and refresh olfactory receptors. He suggests that people can regain their appetite after cooking by smelling coffee beans, and that this method can also be used for research animals.
Over 1,000 chemicals have been reported in roasted coffee; more than half of those tested (19/28) are rodent carcinogens. Coffee's negative health effects are often blamed on its caffeine Coffee is no longer thought to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Some studies suggest that it may have a mixed effect on short-term memory, by improving it when the information to be recalled is related to the current train of thought but making it more difficult to recall unrelated information. About 10% of people with a moderate daily intake (235 mg per day) reported increased depression and anxiety when caffeine was withdrawn, and about 15% of the general population report having stopped caffeine use completely, citing concern about health and unpleasant side effects. content. Research suggests that drinking caffeinated coffee can cause a temporary increase in the stiffening of arterial walls.
Drinking coffee with moderation alters your worries away and keep on the passion you love as u sipped it in day by day.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Enjoying the Food Habit But Staying Skinny
Celebrating Valentine Alone
For those who are still single, here are some tips that may help to celebrate valentine's alone.
1. Schedule a special Valentine's Day date with yourself. Like a mini vacation or set up in a beach.
2. Plan to have a special dinner in a restaurant or prepare it at home. Be creative and adventurous in preparing for it.
3. Watch a movie after eating a sumptuous food you have prepared. One way of relaxing to end up the celebration.
4. Give yourself a gift. Showing that you value your life so much as you love the people who surrounds you. It doesn't matter how much it is but the worth of it.
Chocolates Craving

Eating chocolates has a beneficial health effects. Dark chocolate benefits the circulatory system. Other beneficial effects suggested includes anticancer, brain stimulator, cough preventer and anti-diarrhea effects. On the contrary to the benefits, there are also effects due to the large consumptions of chocolates and one of them is to have a high risk of being obese, having an acne, mild lead poisoning for some types of chocolates, and lastly toxicity in animals.
Eating chocolates in moderation is important for to stay healthy and younger feeling!
Essence of Love

Monday, February 9, 2009
Tantrums of Mom

Thursday, February 5, 2009
How to Prevent Cancer
1. Exercise regularly. Just include it in your daily routine.
2. Don't smoke. It's been proven and tested that smoking causes cancer.
3. Eat tomatoes. Tomatoes contains with phytochemicals which reduces the risk of common cancer.
4. Take vitamin D or get 15 minutes of sunshine per day.
5. Drink red wine. Studies have shown that the chemicals in red wine inhibit the development and growth of cancer. Just have a 1 glass a day is very ideal.
6. Keep your weight about average. Being overweight and obese can increase your risk for several cancers.
7. Eat lean meats, and don't eat too much red meat. Eating lots of red meat has been correlated with increased cancer risk. Twice a week is alright but be sure to mix it with some fish, chicken, and pork.
8. Avoid foods with nitrates. Don't eat too much bacon or prepared lunch meats. The chemicals in these foods may increase cancer risk.
9. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown high consumption of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of cancer. Eat lots of apples and oranges. Broccoli is also a must for healthy diet, and throw in some carrots too. All of these foods contain chemicals that will reduce your risk of developing cancer.
10. Think positive and have a good attitude. The fact is, you may do all of these things and still get cancer. Sometimes its caused by genetics or inherited. But you can change the odds by following these steps. At least we done something healthy...
Fashion for Less
1. Keep your wardrobe simple. Search for a versatile items that you can use in mixed and matched way. Like white or black tee or button down shirt.
2. Use some accessories to add an stylish look or interest to your wardrobe. It's much cheaper to buy rather than buy the complete outfit.
3. Plan ahead. Check out sale and clearance racks its one of the best way to save money on clothes.
4. Don't over look on thrift stores. Just try to sneak around in your area because they are likely to have best merchandise you could ever imagine.
5. Have a wardrobe swap to your friends but be sure it was in good condition or just put it on a garage sale.
With these simple tips you can save your money and earn money from it.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
That's Life!
Though quite complicated... I've tried
But life is full of compassion at that staged
Although its difficult, I've tried to survived
At that time, I've never thought it could happened
But one thing for sure it left a marked
Once is enough to be shattered and be noticed
Those feelings of mine which are reassured
How I wish it will not be withered
But my friends loved me much... hated
Cause they don't let me fell beyond
Their brilliant advices made myself uplifted
From the harness of his doubtful loved
Though I've loved him for all he cared
Damn him! He's selfish and made me vanished
Alas! Time came and his betrayal was paid
The gal left him in vain and wounded
Now, I'm alone and aloof, wound was healed
Ready to soar up high and meet the right lad
Saturday, January 31, 2009
In Memory of my Uncle
I remember him so well when I was a kid, he used to be all out and very vocal for his likes and dislikes. Indeed, he is also a charming guy with a pretty girls all around him but he chose to be single. I've learned a lot from him, my cousins as well. He is like an older brother to us cause he used to played and advise us with brilliant ideas. Have fun and be with us whenever, wherever and whatever we want to do if we we're not in school.
Though the time has come and now he is with our Father Almighty together with my father, GrandMa and GrandPa... hope he may find his peace with them and able to relax for he was suffered by his illness for 3 months... We will let you go and freed you from our hearts...
"We love you so much Uncle.... We will surely missed you and even my son he's still looking up to you.. you'll take care!."
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Fire Flies

I'm trying be the one before I dies
Capturing the moment before I lies
Your passion makes me rolls the dice
Your love seemed to be cold as ice
The fire started to heat as time flies
Bewildered posts heals the flames of fires
No one will dare to shout their cries
Tingling moments began to arise
As music starts to jive
Blending of dances hits the fires
The love that carried by a fire flies!
Monday, January 26, 2009
A Love for a Lifetime

Gives me a shiver
Coldness of wildest dream
Persistent of annoyance
Delayed my existence
Waiting for you forever
An everlasting endearment
For a lifetime
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Youth's Dream

Once upon I had a dreamed
A dreamed of youth to be loved
To be loved by a noble man
A noble man worths for his actions
His actions for being independent
Being independent with a timeless flaws
Timeless flaws for his serenity
His serenity for an everlasting love
An everlasting love for once youth's dream
Youth's dream for sanctified eternity
An eternity to be just destiny.....
Sunday, January 18, 2009
One thing just crossed my mind, I have to accept all the things for what I have right now and be able to give the love all out for the person I've exchange vows with. Be supportive and prayed for the relationship to run smoothly. Just focus for the re-runs of life that will be beneficial to the family. Just accept wholeheartedly the facts and it won't lead you in the wrong path. It will serves as strengths and inspirations that life is just like that no matter how difficult the trials that may come it will resolve with ease and with peace of mind.
Once you've learned to "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. - Marcus Aelius Aurelius".
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friends Re-unite Once Again
And still I'm hoping that there is an another reunion again...